
Microsoft access vba progress bar status bar in microsoft
Microsoft access vba progress bar status bar in microsoft

SndPlaySound32 "C:\Windows\Media\Chimes.wav", &H0 Just add the below code snippet to a VBA Module: Public Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Well why not introduce a Sound Notification? Let Excel or Access run a Sound to inform you that your Visual Basic for Applications macro has finally completed. What if you are away from your Screen, getting a Coffee or simply chatting with a colleague or getting on with our tasks stressed that we might miss that moment when our VBA Macro completes its task. It is best to hide and clean it after code execution completion:Īpplication.StatusBar = vbNullString 'Clean the Status Bar messageĪpplication.DisplayStatusBar = False 'Hide the Status Bar altogether The VBA Status Bar when displayed, will remain displayed until ordered otherwise. To show a message in the VBA Status Bar we need to Enable it using Application.DisplayStatusBar: Application.DisplayStatusBar = TrueĪpplication.StatusBar = "My Message in the Status Bar" Hiding the VBA Status Bar It is basically a Text Box to which you can display any non-blocking (non-modal) Message to your users. The VBA Status Bar is a panel that appears at the bottom of your Excel (or Access) Workbook. To add a VBA Progress Bar to your Visual Basic for Applications macro read my post here. So why doesn’t VBA have a native Progress Bar – beats me. Progress Bars are ubiquitous anywhere anything takes more than a couple of seconds to complete. Sitting by your desk is a waste of time – why not tell Excel/Access to let you know when the code has completed? Today we will explore such tools as the VBA Status Bar, VBA Progress Bar, Sound Notifications in VBA and Sending Email Alerts from VBA. Usually what is irritating is waiting for VBA Macro code completion. If we optimized our VBA Macro to the fullest there is often not much more you can do to change that. Some VBA Macros run for ages – be it minutes or even hours.

Microsoft access vba progress bar status bar in microsoft